Edit Bar

Click on a component on your drawing to access the Edit Bar. 


The icons on the edit bar will change based on the allowed properties for that image and that component. As mouse moves over an icon, the icon functionality will be explained.

Most Edit bar contains the following options:

  1. Hide/Unhide a component
  2. Mirror a component
  3. Edit component name
  4. Delete a component
  5. Change the layer of component (bring to back / bring to front)



Further Edit Options

On the right-hand side of each drawing, you will see further edit options populate when you select a component. 

Font Editor

In the Font Editor section, you can change the following font features:

  • Text - rename the component as needed
  • Font Size - Change font size of the text above a component
  • Font Color - Change font color of text above a component


Block Editor

In the Block Editor section, you can change the following variables:

  • Stroke Width
  • Opacity
  • Background Color
  • Stroke Color


Template Editor

If you are using a template, you will also see options to edit your template. 

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